Combines subst with join
with enhanced options.
usage: %s [option] [command]
If swsubst is used without specifying a command, the CDS table is
/#: view the statistic of JOIN'ed drives in the CDS table
/!: like /#; initialize the JOIN-flag, if it differs
/f: view non-printable characters hexadecimal
/a: view the CDS table after the command
/k: create the pathes mentioned within the command
/t: like /k, in SUBST check only, if path exist
/_: dump all attributes within the CDS table
/o=#: use this backslash offset, do not calculate itself
/x=??: List of drive letters to be ignored while a ::label: search
-: initialize all SUBST'ed and JOIND'ed drives
--: initialize all non-networked drives
dr [-]path: like %s dr [-]path
/u dr [-]path: substitute dr to point to path
/j dr [-]path: join dr into path
/d dr | dr /d | dr - : initialize drive dr (& break SUBST/JOIN)
/s dr1 dr2: swap dr1 and dr2
/n [dr1 dr2]: swap unit numbers of the same device driver (Std.: floppies)
/w dr: set ERRORLEVEL to the drive letter of dr
/m [-]path: create path including all leading up-directories
/c [-]path: like /m, then chdir into it
dr:[+-=]{off,on,phys,net,join,subst,hidden}: set drive flags directly
/q dr:[+-]{phys,net,join,subst,hidden}: query the drive flags
See Also
Copyright © 1995 Steffen Kaiser
This document is under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.